Need to get dinner on the table fast? Create memorable family gatherings with these ideas for easy, in-season meals.
Featured Recipes
Prosciutto-Wrapped Asparagus
In Italian, prosciutto simply translates to “ham.” There is prosciutto crudo, a raw, cured ham, and prosciutto cotto, or cooked ham. ... The origins of prosciutto crudo date back to pre-Roman times. In Italy, villagers originally began to dry-age pork legs to extend their meat supply during the long winters.
Cream of Tomato Soup
Smoked Salmon
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Type Beer - Stout/Porter - Milk Stout Producer SweetWater Brewing Company Region Georgia, United States
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Sandy Zelinski, New England Cooks Co-Host.  Greetings! Well, based on the Groundhog, and the weather, it looks like we will be having six more weeks of winter, which calls for more soup recipes. Prior…
Carol Day, New England Cooks Co-Host (and Tony's "old" sidekick).  Although this is a Christmas recipe, I'm sure it would be just as good for Valentine’s Day... or Easter... or my birthday in June! Isn't…
Sandy Zielinski, New England Cooks Co-Host.  As storm Grayson, or storm Brody if you live in Connecticut, bears down on the Eastern Seaboard, it seems like a good time to have a pot of hearty soup on…
Sandy Zielinski, New England Cooks Co-Host.   At New England Cooks, we continually strive to demonstrate our social conscience and try to do something for those whose lives present challenges every day.…

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